

These are my pets. They often visit my house and stay on a wall for a while because many bugs come there.
First creature is a tree frog. He/she often is on a wall of my house. He/she eats little bugs very fast. Although I want to watch the moment, but I often miss it.
Second is a gecko. He/she also eats little bugs in a moment. His/her tail is a little cute.
They are on a wall before I notice them. They don't often move quickly because they have to catch and eat their foods.
Last is a little dragonfly. I found him/her at a living room. He/she looks beautiful, I felt. He/she perhaps was lost. He/she dangle on a rope.

There are many forests near my house. Therefore, these wild animals come there. I like them because I can know the lives of them and I think that they are summer features.[154words]

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