
The Movie Star

I will talk about my favorite movie. What is my favorite movie? I have watched a lot of movies, so it is difficult for me to select the best movie but I would venture to say that the best movie is “The Lord of the Rings”, which is my favorite movie.
“The Lord of the Rings” is famous as an epic high fantasy novel written by J. R. R. Tolkien, which is also the origin of the movie. The story can be divided into three parts, “The Fellowship of the Ring”, “The Two Towers”, and “The Return of the King”. Therefore, I leave out all these plots because it is too long to talk about them, so I will talk about the prologue and characters of these stories at first.
These stories concern humanoid people known as Hobbits, Elves, Men, Dwarves, Wizards, and Orcs. In addition, there is the Dark Lord, Sauron, who made Ring of Power and person who has the ring can control Middle-earth, the world of these stories. The nine braves fight with the forces of evil over the ring. The nine braves consist of various races as above so the members are Frodo who is main character, Sam, Pippin, Merry, who are Hobbits, Gandalf who is a Wizard, Aragorn, Boromir who are Men, Legolas who is a Elf, and Gimuli who is a Dwarf. Each of them has them own features. Hobbits have a kind heart, love for nature, and especially, they are short. Wizards have a special power but they become good or evil depending on using the power. Elves are noble and elegant, and what’s more, they have magical charm. They have basically immortal life. Dwarves have a keen sense of justice. Men only satisfy own desire, so they are described as feeble human in these stories.
Next, I will talk about my memorable scenes because a lot of scenes impressed me. One of the scenes was that Sam said to moribund Frodo that he can’t bear the ring’s burden but he can shoulder him. Saying so, Sam shouldered Frodo and took one step at a time. I think there was nobody but was moved to tears watching this scene, so this scene is my most memorable scene. In addition, I was impressed that there was “Elvish languages”. The language was made by J. R. R. Tolkien and came from Old Celtic. There are two characteristics in the language. First, it sounds a song for men so most of men can’t understand their language. Second, their words including dull sound were used in a bad sense. Therefore, the author, Tolkien creates an origin language. It is wonderful for me that he originates new language.
That is why I like the movie, “The Lord of the Rings”. I never get tired of watching this movie and I learn a lot of things watching this movie.
Here is a wiki page. [485words]

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