

I did a volunteer work today. I went to Shoubu-no-Sato.
This is a customary festival, and some circle of Kumagaku also joins this festival. Of course, I have joined this twice at this time. In the first joining, I was in charge of selling curry and rice. In this year, I took charge of selling products made by the people who living in a facility.
The working time is eleven to eleven-thirty and twelve-five to three. As a staff gave me two coupons of curry and rice and drink, I ate them well. There are many refreshment booths, for instance, fried chickens, wieners, souvenirs, flea market, and so on. I bought some cookies for my family. It looks so delicious. Unfortunately, however, I did not take any pictures. In the afternoon, after I returned my business from my rest time, I was in charge of cash register. Having experienced it hardly, I could not find soon what I should do. With advice from other assistants, I accustomed myself to clear an account.
Finally, we danced “Banzai dance”. It is also the customary dance. It connotes the big success and the prosperity. I had a wonderful time. I want to go there again in next year.[205words]

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