
Book review 12 "Quiz Night"

Today, I read “Quiz night”. It was very interesting for me. In this story, some people are appearing. Ji-sung, Gemma, John, Mr. Becker, Daniela are. This story has a lot of question, so it was very exiting for me. I like quiz, so I could enjoy this story.
At first, Daniel, John, and Ji- Sung are looking a poster. The poster says, “a quiz Night is held in next Saturday.” And if a person wins this game, the person gets some pizza ticket. So they are very happy. John invites Ji- Sung to this Quiz night because he is very clever. Ji- Sung thinks I can win this game!!
I think it is the grat thing that they can get some pizza if Ji-Sung win the Quiz night. In Japan, there is not this party. So I wpuld like to take part in this Quiz Night. But I am not so smart, so per harps I will get some pizza ticket.
Ji Sung did not answer the Quiz, because John was tell the Question to Ji- Sung. I think Ji Sung is having very strong justice mind. So he can not allow John.
I thought Ji-Sung is very cool, because he has strong mind. I would like to be a man like him. (213 words)

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