

I haven't decided what exactly I want to do this winter vacation yet. I'm just looking forward to seeing my local friends again. Most of them are third-year students as they didn't fail to get accepted at a university of their choice. Last winter vacation, we met again at Coming-of-Age ceremony and had a wonderful time talking a lot about our each university life.
This winter, I'm going to give my friends some little gifts I bought in England this summer. The presents are mainly key rings and postcards with a picture of a famous spot in Leicester. They'll be happy to receive them. After that, I'd like to go to a drink bar and karaoke with them as we did last year.
Another event I'm look forward to is seeing my relatives in Kumage in Yamaguchi Prefecture. Kumage has snow over 10 centimeters deep every winter and I'd say it is rarely seen in Kumamoto. I would often play with snow with my friends and snap off some big icicles hanging out of cars and roofs.
Of course, my fun is not only seeing snow and icicles. Whenever we go to my grandparents house, my grandmother makes for us delicious soup. I'd say it is the best 'osuimono' in Japan. [211words]

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