

Kumamoto, there are many things which you need to know. Now, I will introduce to you some ones such as foods and festivals.

First, basashi means sashimi of horseflesh. This is mainly sold in meat markets. I think the price is a little expensive, but this tastes great! If you don't like basashi, I recommend you to have the cooked or grilled one! In this connection, compared with beef, basashi is light. In addition, this includes high protein. Therefore, this is relatively popular among women.

Second, a firework display is held every August. This had been held in the Lake Ezu until two or three years before. Incidentally, this is held in Ninomaru Park (near the Castle Kumamoto). Since a lot of people come to watch this every August, the traffic control is done by many police officers. Therefore, if you want to watch the firework display, you will have to go there by bus, train or on foot. It is troublesome, but this is worth watching once, because fireworks shot off in the sky are very beautiful!!

Third, 'shimotouri' and 'kamitouri' are popular spots in Kumamoto. These pictures are above. There are a lot of places in 'shimotouri'. For instance, clothes shops, bookstores, fast-food restaurants and so on. Of course, there are amusement places such as arcades. Therefore, you can enjoy shopping, playing games and having foods there. Compared with 'shimotouri', there are not so many places in 'kamitouri'. However, events are sometimes held near the entrance of 'kamitouri'.

Finally, mustard lotus root (karashi rencon) is one of local dishes in Kumamto. In this connection, do you know this is fry!? This includes mustard, so this is a little spicy. Mustard lotus root is mainly sold in shopping arcades, and famous for a ingredient of 'Osechi'.
I introduced to you about Kumamoto. How was my essay? Of course, there are many things which I haven't known about it, so I want to know more about it!!! [327 words]

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