
My Tackle Box!!

I bought a tackle box. The price is 2000yen!! So it was very reasonable price for me. The tackle box can pack a lot of lure in it.
Recently, I bought a lot lure, so I wanted a tackle box. This tackle box is very useful. It can stock a lot of lure both side of Box.
I would like to buy a lot of kind box, because when I went to fishing, I need many kind of tackle, like hook, line, sinker, parts, and light. When I was junior high school student, I was stolen my tackle box. There were many lure in the box, so I was very sad. Maybe, the damage was more than 30000 yen!! So, I stopped fishing after that. Tackle box and tackle is treasure for Angler.
Now, I treat my tackle with care. When you play Bass fishing, you need much money to buy tackle, like lure, reel, rod, line, hook, and more.
So, you should treat your tackle more carefully. (168 words)

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