

I like J- POP song. And I like SPIZT the best. But another musician also I like. Mr. children is also beautiful band, I think. They are friendly with SPITZ, because they played music with SPITZ long time a go in Tokyo.
Mr. children has a lot of famous and beautiful songs. I like “HERO” of all others. I heard this song when I was a high school student. It was the shocking for me. I feel very comfortable.
And last year, I went to summer music festival I Fukuoka. I could enjoy their live, and I could hear “HERO”. The day is my memorable day. (106words)

2 件のコメント:

HUMBURGER さんのコメント...

Hero is good song.
I also like it.

Maiko さんのコメント...

I like both of them.
Thier song are very nice^^!!
