
Book review 4 "Sara Says No!"

I read “Sara Says No”. It was very interesting and I could learn honest is very important for me. In this story, two people are appearing. They are Mister Fruit and his daughter Sara. They sell fruit, but sometime Mister Fruit cheat his customer. Sara watched the scene every time and she is not happy. She says “Father, you must not cheat our customers”. But Mister Fruit does not understand her thinking. He says “this is business, Sara”.
When this time, I think Mister Fruit is not honest person, he is liar.
Mister Fruit continue his business. But one day, strange thing was happen. Mister Fruit touch the fruit and the fruit was to be bad. He can not sell his fruit. But after Sara touch the fruit, it was to be good.
After that, Sara sells the fruit and the shop name was changed to “Miss Fruit”.
His father, started helps his daughter. He thought “That is life”. He enjoyed his job.
I read this book and I could learn honesty is very important for us.
I think when I do a business, we need high reliability. I would like to be an honest man. (196 words)

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